Baking With Wild Yeast

In this workshop you will learn everything you need to wow your friends and family with your beautiful, delicious, crusty sourdough loaves.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • How to capture wild yeast to make your own sourdough starter.
  • How to mix together simple ingredients – flour, water, salt and yeast – to make a perfect loaf of sourdough bread.
  • How time, temperature and hydration can dramatically change the flavor and texture of bread and allow you to customize your personal, perfect loaf
  • How to make your bread crusty like that amazing loaf you had that time at that place.
  • How to make the perfect crumb (inside) that is both delicate and chewy.

In addition to learning the basics, we will do side-by-side tests of different processes – including hydration levels, flour mixes, and time/temperature – so you can see how they impact your final loaf.

The workshop will begin in the evening with an overview, a little getting to know each other, and preparing for the next days baking. We will begin early the next day and spend two days learning and baking. We will finish up mid-afternoon on the third day. That’s two days of baking and learning. A light meal will be provided the first evening, lunch and dinner the first day, and lunch on the final day. We will have coffee and baked things to snack on for breakfast, though we won’t sit for a formal breakfast (as is customary for bakers who have a lot of work to do in the morning). There will be some time in the afternoon for people to explore the area, or Joshua Tree park, or to nap.

Weather permitting, we will do most of our baking outside in our wood-burning oven. We will also do some baking in a home-oven so that you can take what you learn back to your home to make your perfect loaf.

This is a great first bread class; no previous bread baking experience necessary. If you’ve been baking for years, this is a great place to pick up some tricks and techniques, meet some fellow bread bakers, and to take your bread baking to the next level.

The cost of this 3-day workshop is $500, not including accommodations.

The Next Baking With Wild Yeast workshop will begin the evening of Saturday, May 23, 2020, and end mid-afternoon Monday, May 25th, 2020

Due to the Corononavirus, all workshops will be postponed until further notice.

If you would like to take this workshop, but can’t make the scheduled date (or there is no date scheduled), email and we’ll see if we can schedule a workshop for you.